The Value of TIME


As the countdown for the end of 2021 begins and the newness and excitement of a brand-new year builds, I reflect on how and what I want to be able to say a year from now. Lofty, certainly feels like it. Daunting, absolutely. The kicker is that to look forward, it is necessary to look back. It is important to identify and learn from successes and unsuccessful ideas, decisions, and ventures. You see, without reflection, it is nearly impossible to move forward with conviction and confidence. I do not want to repeat the same mistakes and have a Groundhog Day experience. I can watch the movie for that!

Rather, I want to BE more and DO more in a thoughtful and purposeful manner.

My word/theme for 2022 is TIME. Over the course of the pandemic, we have all had too much time, too little time, and everything in between. I am committed to utilizing my time to being the best and healthiest version of myself; mentally, physically, emotionally etc. As well, I want to ensure that time is focused on my priorities and not checking things off a ‘to do’ list. Specifically, reflecting on and identifying 3 top priorities feels like I am challenging and stretching myself while being mindful of setting targets that are achievable and meaningful.

Time is finite. It is precious and allows us to be productive, to connect with one another, and to give back to ourselves.

What is your word/theme for 2022? What feels important for you to reflect on?

Whatever word/theme/commitment you choose, may it serve to bring you closer to those values that you aspire to live by and provide you with an uncomfortable stretch that promotes a greater you.